22. 寧波雅文国際貿易有限公司NINGBO YAWEN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.,LTD ブースNo. 168.169 出展商品 アウトドア用品、木製ブラシ、ワイヤーキッチン収納、折りたたみトラベルバッグ、トラベル収納、洗濯用品 企業情報 日本との取引年数16年SDGsあり企業タイプ貿易企業前年輸出額5000万米ドルOEM / OEMOEM最小ロット2000 最短納期30日日本語対応不可英語対応可日本オフィスなしウェブサイトhttps://www.yawentrading.com/ Different body brushes, pumice, bamboo toothbrush, white towel and a piece of soap on a grey background. Zero waste concept. Eco-friendly bath set. Top view Different body brushes, pumice, bamboo toothbrush, white towel and a piece of soap on a grey background. Zero waste concept. Eco-friendly bath set. Top view Different body brushes, pumice, bamboo toothbrush, white towel and a piece of soap on a grey background. Zero waste concept. Eco-friendly bath set. Top view Different body brushes, pumice, bamboo toothbrush, white towel and a piece of soap on a grey background. Zero waste concept. Eco-friendly bath set. Top view Different body brushes, pumice, bamboo toothbrush, white towel and a piece of soap on a grey background. Zero waste concept. Eco-friendly bath set. Top view スポーツ・アウトドア 生活雑貨 中国・浙江省